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    What is a Full House in Poker? Everything You Need to Know

    Published by: Jon Pill


    part of Poker’s cards chart 🏀 and poker hands series, we bring you a full rundown of the

    full house, including its definition, ranking, hands that 🏀 beat it, hands that it beats,

    probability, and some examples.

    To be successful at poker, you must learn the poker

    hierarchy 🏀 of hands. If you don’t understand the different potential hands and their

    rankings, you could misplay your own hand and 🏀 lose a critical pot.

    A full house in

    poker is a solid, yet unique card hand that combines three-of-a-kind and a 🏀 pair.

    Considered one of the best hands in poker, a full house is still not the best hand on

    the 🏀 felt. You can beat it with a four-of-a-kind and all the straight flushes, including

    a royal flush.

    One of the most 🏀 memorable full houses in poker history is the final hand

    of the 2003 WSOP Main Event. With a J♠5♠4♣ flop, 🏀 Chris Moneymaker flopped two-pair

    while holding 5♦4♠ versus Sammy Farha’s top pair as he held J♥10♦. After they went

    all-in 🏀 post-flop, the dealer turned the 8♦ and rivered the 5♥, completing Moneymaker’s

    winning full house that ultimately changed poker forever.

    What 🏀 is a Full House?

    A full

    house in poker is a five-card hand containing a three-of-a-kind and a pair. It can 🏀 also

    be called “a full boat,” more commonly shortened to just “a boat.” A full house is

    considered a very 🏀 strong hand in poker and it is often a winning poker hand. Although

    this unique hand outranks many common poker 🏀 hands, a full house is not unbeatable.


    House Rankings

    The full house is the third-highest hand in the standard poker hand

    🏀 rankings (fourth if you count royal flushes as a separate hand from other straight


    The full house marks a transition 🏀 between the more common hands and the rarer

    “monster” hands. It is just above a flush in value, and just 🏀 below four-of-a-kind.


    Beats a Full House in Poker?

    A full house is one of the best hands in poker, but it 🏀 can

    still be beaten. One of the most memorable losses by a full house in poker history was

    an unbelievable 🏀 hand between poker superstars Daniel Negreanu and Gus Hansen.

    In one

    hand during Season 2 of the popular television show High 🏀 Stakes Poker, Negreanu was

    dealt 6♠6♥, while Hansen was dealt 5♦5♣. When the dealer flopped 9♣6♦5♥, both players

    had hit 🏀 a set (or three-of-a-kind).

    Negreanu had a stranglehold on the hand as Hansen

    was drawing all but dead to one card. 🏀 But when the miracle 5♠ fell on the turn, Hansen

    catapulted into the lead and would clinch the hand when 🏀 the 8♠ fell on the river. After

    they were all-in, Hansen would win aR$575,700 pot, which was the largest in 🏀 High Stakes

    Poker history to that point.

    The hands that beat a full house are, in order:


    flush — ace, king, 🏀 queen, jack, ten all in the same suit, which beats:

    All other

    straight flushes — five consecutive cards in the same 🏀 suit, which beats:


    — four cards of one rank plus a kicker of any other rank, which, in turn, beats: 🏀 Full


    What Poker Hands Does a Full House Beat?

    If you’re dealt a full house, you can

    rest easy that you’ll 🏀 win the pot more often than not. The three-and-two card mix of

    the full house in poker beats many common 🏀 and plenty of more typical hands, as seen


    In certain poker games, you must meet specific criteria to have this 🏀 hand as a

    possible outcome. For example, in no-limit hold’em, a player cannot have a full house

    unless there’s at 🏀 least a pair on the board. As for seven-card stud games, since three

    cards are face down, full houses can 🏀 be hidden, which is extremely powerful and


    A full house beats:

    Flush — five cards of the same suit that are 🏀 not

    consecutive, which beats:

    Straight — a run of five consecutive cards in at least two

    suits, which beats:

    Three-of-a-kind — three 🏀 cards of the same rank, plus two other

    cards of differing and non-matching ranks, which beats:

    Pair — two cards of 🏀 the same

    rank, plus three other cards of differing and non-matching, which beats:

    High card —

    five cards of differing ranks 🏀 in at least two suits.

    Who Wins if Both Players Have a

    Full House?

    In rare instances, two opponents could both have 🏀 full houses, often

    resulting in an extremely large pot. When two very good poker hands are up against each

    other 🏀 in the same hand like this, we typically call it a “cooler.”

    Where two full

    houses are up against each other, 🏀 the rank of the three-of-a-kind settles the

    difference. For example, 5♠5♥5♦6♠6♦ beats 4♠4♥4♦K♠K♣.

    When playing with a standard

    deck, there are 🏀 only four cards of each rank. This means there will never be a draw

    between two full houses, except in 🏀 games where cards are shared (mostly flop games like

    hold’em) or wild cards are utilized. In these cases, the pair 🏀 breaks ties where


    The Probabilities of a Full House

    The odds of being dealt a full house off

    the top of 🏀 a shuffled deck is 0.1441%.

    This is because in a standard 52-card deck there

    are 3,744 combinations that make a full 🏀 house out of a total of 2,598,960 possible

    hands. This is equivalent to odds of 693-to-1.

    For comparison, the odds of 🏀 getting a

    royal flush are 0.000154%, a straight 0.3925%, and a high hand 50.112%.

    Examples of

    Full Houses

    K♠K♣K♦Q♠Q♥, 9♠9♥9♦J♥J♣, 2♠2♥2♣A♠A♥ , 🏀 are all examples of full houses. Here

    they are ordered from the highest rank to the lowest rank, as the 🏀 rank of the

    three-of-a-kind is prioritized.

    2♠2♥2♣A♠A♥ is described at showdown as “a full house,

    twos (or deuces) over aces.” You 🏀 may hear this elided as: “a boat, deuces of aces.”


    to Play a Full House in Texas Hold’em

    The relative strength 🏀 of a full house, like all

    hands, depends on the board (in flop games) or your opponent’s visible cards (in 🏀 stud

    games). In hold’em sometimes a full house can be the nuts (i.e. the best possible

    hand), while other times 🏀 it can be worth peanuts.

    In general, though, full houses are

    one of the best hands in poker and are worth 🏀 playing aggressively. Because a full house

    requires the board to contain at least one pair, you must be cautious in 🏀 particular of

    competing for full houses and fours-of-a-kind. The paired board will also clue

    opponents into the possibility of your 🏀 hand, so you may need to disguise the strength

    of your hand by making slow plays like checks and calls. 🏀 Fully understanding poker

    strategy will let you maximize your pots and winnings.

    Featured image source: Flickr by

    Poker Photos used under 🏀 CC license

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